The Big Orange Day

The fusion of energies between the stunningly brilliant photographer Lisa Wilkerson, who brings her eye to the creation of superb lyrical photography, and the poet and novelist Jeremy Reed, described by Lawrence Ferlinghetti as,‘One of the most original virtuoso voices to be heard in the poetry of our time’, and by Pete Doherty, ‘Jeremy Reed is a legend’ has resulted in a series of collaborative projects aimed at celebrating the optimal poetic moment through symbiotically linking photography to poetry. Lisa Wilkerson in part took to photography as an energised response to Jeremy Reed’s poetry in part due to her acute empathy with the exhilarating natural beauty of her native Arroyo Grande. The two call their results, largely due to Wilkerson’s explosively orange skies, Orange Sunshine Poetry. Jeremy Reed’s thirty or more books of highly original poetry, fiction and non-fiction have won him a singular place as Britain’s only glamour poet, and so too his inimitable readings with the musician Itchy Ear, as the Ginger Light.

Published by Orange Sunshine Poetry 2010

ISBN 978-0-578-06290-7

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